15 research outputs found

    Penerapan Kontroler Neural Fuzzy Untuk Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Pada Mesin Sentrifugal

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    Motor induksi 3 fasa adalah alat penggerak yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri. Salah satu aplikasi motor induksi pada industri gula adalah pada mesin sentrifugal yang digunakan pada proses sentrifugasi. Mesin sentrifugal menggunakan motor induksi sebagai penggerak untuk memutar chamber mesin sentrifugal yang berisi massacuite yang akan diolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang kontroler neural fuzzy yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan kecepatan motor induksi sehingga dapat mempertahankan kecepatan sesuai setpoint walaupun terjadi perubahan beban. Motor induksi dimodelkan dengan menggunakan transformasi dq dan algoritma kontroler disimulasikan dengan MATLAB. Kontroler neural fuzzy menggunakan 2 layer dengan jumlah neuron yang diubah yaitu 20 dan 50 neuron. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan, kontroler neural fuzzy 50 neuron memiliki settling time lebih cepat tetapi error steady state lebih besar dan tidak menghasilkan overshoot pada respon kecepatan. Sedangkan pada kondisi terbebani, kontroler dapat mempertahankan kecepatan sesuai dengan setpoint. Waktu pemulihan kontroler 50 neuron lebih cepat dibandingkan kontroler neural fuzzy dengan 20 neuron

    Conditioning of Temperature and Soil Moisture in Chrysanthemum Cut Flowers Greenhouse Prototype based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Currently, cut chrysanthemum cultivation in a greenhouse is still using a conventional system. Temperature and soil moisture are the most important factors in the growth process. If the temperature and humidity of the soil are not conditioned, the roots will quickly rot and slow the growth process of chrysanthemums. Internet of Things is an integrated system with a data-based server that stores data in the cloud from sensors so that the system can be monitored remotely in real-time. Based on this, an integrated system was designed to make it easier for farmers to condition the temperature and humidity of the chrysanthemum flower soil. In temperature conditioning, if the temperature of cut chrysanthemum is detected <24 ℃ then the heater will be "on" by adjusting the fan rotation and vice versa. Meanwhile, soil moisture conditioning is carried out by distributing water if the detected soil moisture is <50%, then the water pump is in the "on" state. The data on the degree of temperature and the percent of soil moisture will be recorded into the cloud which will then be displayed in the form of graphs and history data on the webserver and Android. By using this system, it is found that the growth process of cut chrysanthemums can grow 7 days faster than the standard harvest time of 30 days

    DC Motor PID Control System for Tamarind Turmeric Herb Packaging on Rotary Cup Sealer Machine

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    The end of this research is to find PID tuning value on the packaging automation process using the PID method. By finding the most suitable PID tuning value, a fast packaging process is obtained. Herbal ingredients in herbs that are left in the open for a long time tend to be damaged more quickly. So after the production process ends, the herbs must be packaged quickly. With the packaging automation method, the product can be hygienic and does not spoil quickly. One of the most widely and easy-to-use for automation methods in the industry is the PID control method because it can accelerate the system response, stabilize the system to match the setpoint and minimize overshoot. This study will discuss how the design of the PID control system using DC motor transfer function modeling in Matlab and the Second Ziegler-Nichols PID tuning method, the effect of the load on the motor response, and the effect of PID on the production speed. The system was tested with PID tuning values are Kp = 12, Ki = 12,506, Kd = 0.0028785, speed motor 24 RPM and a load of 3,160 Kg produces a good output response are delay time = 0.502 s, rise time = 0.804 s, settling time = 4.023 s, peak time = 133.084 s, Overshoot = 0.125% and Steady State Error = 0%. The effect of PID control on production speed is 83% faster than manual production and 29% faster than systems without PID

    Teknologi Tepat Guna Pemanfaatan Listrik Daya Kecil untuk Pengelolaan Kandang pada Budidaya Ayam Pedaging di Desa Pucangsongo Kabupaten Malang

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    One of the problems faced by small-scale broiler cultivators in Pucangsongo-Malang was the use of PLN electricity that exceeds the installed capacity. Partners feel it was too expensive to raise the power capacity. To overcome the problem, timing settings to power the equipment is needed. The cage-smell’ problem needs to be handled because the cage-locations are in settlement. The purpose of this activity was helping partners to increase productivity by helping solve problems from production aspects, as well as the safety. The implementation method was providing appropriate science and technology to partners in the form of electricity utilization management equipped with a cage monitoring system. In addition, it also developed a backup power source safety system that works when the electricity goes off to keep the cage remain conducive. Prior this activity, the cage-capacity was 3300 with an average death of 200 chickens. Currently, the cage-capacity increased to 3500 chickens with deaths down to 110 chickens. With the developed and installed electric power management equipped with monitoring system of cage condition, broiler cultivators in Pucangsongo-Malang can monitor the cage’s state at any time and power shortage problem can be resolved


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    The partner in this community service program is the Dua Putra farm located in the village of Sengguruh, Kepanjen, Malang Regency. Apart from the cage for laying hens, this Dua Putra farm also has a hatchery cage with a capacity of 1000 chicks. Lighting in the chicken coop is important, especially at night because in addition to functioning as lighting, it also functions as a heater. Currently, the lighting in the chicken coop still uses the PLN electricity network, so that every month the owner has to pay electricity costs, which of course will increase production costs. The purpose of this activity is to provide understanding, knowledge and skills to farmers regarding the use of renewable energy, especially solar heat as a source of electrical energy used for lighting in partner chicken coops. The methods used in this program are appropriate technology innovation, training and coaching as well as monitoring and evaluation of activities. Technological innovation is carried out through the manufacture of a chicken coop lighting system using a microcontroller-based solar panel. The lighting of the chicken coop is supplied by solar heat which is converted into electrical energy by solar panels. The lighting will turn on automatically in the afternoon. Training and coaching are carried out through the socialization of the use of solar panels for lighting and the practice of using and maintaining solar systems using solar panels